March 2nd is World Teen Mental Wellness Day.
March 2nd is World Teen Mental Wellness Day.
Typically, the initial appointment consists of discussing MSPS's Informed Consent Packet, which includes obtaining verbal and written voluntary agreement to services. Additionally, the session will include assessment of current symptoms, reason for services, and historical information related to the presenting issue. It may also include the completion of forms and/or questionnaires.
MSPS is handicapped accessible by entering through the back of the office and utilizing the handicapped ramp. In addition, appointments can be arranged on a first-floor level if steps are a concern.
It is best practice not to bring children or others to a session if babysitting or supervision is required, unless agreed upon in advance. MSPS does not provide supervision of others in the waiting room.
· MSPS is a smoke free environment; however, smoking areas are provided outside the practice.
· Cell phones are permitted; however, it is recommended to turn them off during the session time.
· Beverages and food are allowed during the sessions as long they do not distract from the session time. MSPS does not provide beverages.
MSPS encourages any concerns be brought to our attention. In addition, an individual can also contact the specific provider's state licensing board(s) if any ethical issues are not able to be resolved by MSPS.
MSPS will attempt to contact the primary provider; however, if unable to do so, the crisis worker will attempt to assist. Note, afterhours case management charges may apply which are not covered by a health insurance.
MSPS is currently an approved National health Service Corps (NHSC) until 12/2027, at which time, MSPS plans to recertify for this designation.